Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assignment 7: My Self-Value

     The quotation by Jennifer James about jealousy, means to me that life shouldn't be all about being jealous of someone else. Jealousy can take a toll on people, and the only thing that can help is having self-value. When you are jealous of someone, it makes you question yourself, but becoming jealous of someone won't make you feel better about yourself. Having the thought running through your head that everyone is better then you, won't make people respect you.
     If you do not take pride in what you do and love yourself, then the people around you won't have the respect to have respect for you. When you take the chance to look within yourself and take your eyes off of others, you will find new talents that you never focused on because you never took the time to find them. Jealousy is all over, and everyone does it, but to take the time to really analyze others you don't really look within yourself. There are times when you get caught in the middle of wanting to talk about someone else, but when you do talk about someone you are putting yourself down. To take the time to look within yourself, you will find hidden talents you never knew about.
     Jealousy can take a toll on people, and it can get so bad where all you do is look at others and don't care about yourself anymore. When all you do is think about the other person and think about how well everything is going in their life, you don't really see the person for who they are also. When you are jealous of someone you are putting yourself down and also not giving that other person a chance for you to know them for who they really are. Jealousy is a terrible thing and can take over very easily, but you are the one who is on control and you need to take control of that jealousy you have.

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